Linea investigativa Agronomía
Nuestro trabajo se enfoca en dos áreas, “Portainjertos y Manejo Agronómico” y “Fenología de Frutales y Cambio Climático”. La primera tiene como objetivo principal la evaluación de portainjertos para carozos del Programa de Mejoramiento Genético (PMG) de CEAF en distintos ambientes y condiciones edafoclimáticas en un contexto productivo.
Linea investigativa Agronomía
Nuestro trabajo se enfoca en dos áreas, “Portainjertos y Manejo Agronómico” y “Fenología de Frutales y Cambio Climático”. La primera tiene como objetivo principal la evaluación de portainjertos para carozos del Programa de Mejoramiento Genético (PMG) de CEAF en distintos ambientes y condiciones edafoclimáticas en un contexto productivo.
- Lienqueo, I., Villar, L., Beltrán, F., Correa, F., Sagredo, B., Guajardo, V., Moreno, M. Á., Almada, R. (2024). Molecular, phenotypic and histological analysis reveals a multi-tiered immune response and callose deposition in stone fruit rootstocks (Prunus spp.) against Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) infection. Scientia Horticulturae, 324, 112588. doi:
- Cui W, Fiore N, Figueroa F, Rubilar C, Pizarro L, Pinto M, Pérez S, Beltrán MF, Carreras C, Pimentel P, Zamorano A. 2023. Transcriptome Analysis of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Cultivar ‘Lapins’ upon Infection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Plants 2023, 12, 3718.
- Salvatierra A, Mateluna P, Toro G, Solís S, Pimentel P. 2023. Genome-Wide Identification and Gene Expression Analysis of Sweet Cherry Aquaporins (Prunus avium L.) under Abiotic Stresses. Genes 14, 940.
- Toro G, Pastenes C, Salvatierra A, Pimentel P. 2023. Trade-off between hydraulic sensitivity, root hydraulic conductivity and water use efficiency in grafted Prunus under water deficit. Agricultural Water Management 282,
- Salvatierra, A., Mateluna, P., Toro, G. and Pimentel, P., Genome-Wide Identification and Gene Expression Analysis of Sweet Cherry Aquaporins (Prunus avium L.) under Abiotic Stresses, Genes, 14(4):940.
- Toro, G., Pastenes, C., Salvatierra, A. and Pimentel, P., Trade-off between hydraulic sensitivity, root hydraulic conductivity and water use efficiency in grafted Prunus under water deficit, Agricultural Water Management, 7(12):542.
- Pérez R, Tapia Y, Antilén M, Ruiz A, Pimentel P, Santander C, Aponte H, González F, Cornejo P. 2023. Beneficial interactive effects provided by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and yeast on the growth of Oenothera picensis established on Cu mine tailings. Plants, 12, 4012.
- Guajardo, V., Martínez-García, P. J., Solís, S., Calleja-Satrustegui, A., Saski, C., Moreno, M. Á. 2022. QTLs identification for iron chlorosis in a segregating peach-almond progeny through double-digest sequence-based genotyping (SBG). Frontiers in Plant Science, 13. doi:
- Tortosa, I., Escalona, J., Opazo, I., Douthe, C., Medrano, H. 2022. Genotype variations in water use efficiency correspond with photosynthetic traits in Tempranillo grapevine clones. Agronomy. doi:
- Baeza-Perry, C., Toro-Núñez, O., Ruiz, E., Santos, D., Salvatierra, A., Thielemann, E. Divergence among the subspecies of Alstroemeria garaventae Ehr. Bayer (Alstroemeriaceae) on fundamental karyotype and chloroplast DNA data. Gayana Botanica 79, 140-146.
- Guajardo, V., Muñoz, C., Hinrichsen, P. 2021. Molecular profiling of sweet cherry cultivars present in Chile using polymorphic microsatellite markers. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 81(3), 326-337. doi:
- Morales-Olmedo, M.G., Sellés, G., Pinto, M. et al.2021. Full-field characterization of sweet cherry rootstocks: responses to soil with different air-filled porosities. Plant Soil 469, 457–473 (2021).
- Pérez-Díaz J, Almada R, Correa F, Bastías A, Rojas P, Beltrán M, Pozo M and Sagredo B. 2021. A Prunus hexokinase 3 gene confers salt and draught tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Scientific Reports 11, 7098 (2021).
- Toro G, Pimentel P, Salvatierra A. 2021. Effective categorization of tolerance to salt stress through clustering Prunus rootstocks according to their physiological performances. Horticulturae 7, 542.
- Toro, G., Pimentel, P. and Salvatierra, A., Effective Categorization of Tolerance to Salt Stress through Clustering Prunus Rootstocks According to Their Physiological Performances, Horticulturae, 7(12):542.
- Morales-Olmedo, M.G., Sellés, G.,Pinto, M. et al. Full-field characterization of sweet cherry rootstocks: responses to soil with different air-filled porosities. Plant Soil 469, 457–473 (2021).
- Jorge Pérez-Díaz, Rubén Almada, Francisco Correa, Adriana Bastías, Pamela Rojas, María Francisca Beltrán, María Francisca Pozo and Boris Sagredo. A Prunus hexokinase 3 gene confers salt and draught tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Scientific Reports 11, 7098 (2021).
- Contreras-Soto, R, Salvatierra, A, Maldonado, C, Mashilo, J. The genetic diversity and population structure of different geographical populations of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) accessions based on Genotyping-by-Sequencing. Agronomy-Basel. 11, 8.
- Guajardo, V., Solís, S., Almada, R. Saski, C., Gasic, K., M. Á. Moreno. 2020. Genome-wide SNP identification in Prunus rootstocks germplasm collections using Genotyping-by-Sequencing: phylogenetic analysis, distribution of SNPs and prediction of their effect on gene function. Scientific Reports 10, 1467.
- Opazo I, Toro G, Salvatierra A, Pastenes C, Pimentel P. 2020. Rootstocks modulate the physiology and growth responses to water stress and long-term recovery in grafted stone fruit trees. Agricultural Water Management. 228, 105897.
- Sagredo B; Bastias A; Oviedo K; Almada R; Correa F. 2020. Identifying and validating housekeeping hybrid Prunus sp. genes for root gene-expression studies. PlosOne 2020 15(3): e0228403.
- Salvatierra A, Toro G, Mateluna P, Opazo I, Ortiz M, Pimentel P. 2020. Keep calm and survive: adaptation strategies to energy crisis in fruit trees under root hypoxia. Plants 9(9): 1108.
- Tortosa, I., Escalona, J. M., Douthe, C., Toro, G. and Hipólito, M. 2020. Clonal behavior in response to soil water availability in Tempranillo grapevine cv: from plant growth to water use efficiency, Agonomy, 10:862.
- Villar L, Lienqueo I, Llanes A, Rojas P, Perez J, Correa F, Sagredo B, Masciarelli O, Luna V, Almada R. 2020. Comparative trascriptomic analysis reveals novel roles of transcription factors and hormones during the flowering induction and floral bud differentiation in sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium L. cv. Bing). PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230110.
- Zacarias, D., Arriagada, O., Toro, G., Mashilo, J., Mora-Poblete, F. and Contreras- Soto, R. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity of root system architecture and physiological traits in bottle ground (Lagenaria siceraria [Mol.] Standl) in response to water deficit, Plants, 9:1697.
- Guajardo, V., Solís, S., Gasic, K., Font i Forcada, C., Moreno, M. Á. 2020. Construcción de mapas de ligamiento basados en SNPs obtenidos a través de Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) para dos patrones Prunus de melocotonero. Proc. XIII Congreso Ibérico de Ciencias Hortícolas. Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura N° 30.
- Salvatierra, A.; Toro, G.; Mateluna, P.; Opazo, I.; Ortiz, M.; Pimentel, P. Keep Calm and Survive: Adaptation Strategies to Energy Crisis in Fruit Trees under Root Hypoxia. Plants 2020, 9, 1108.
- Guajardo, V., Solís, S., Almada, R. Saski, C., Gasic, K., Moreno, M. Á. Genome-wide SNP identification in Prunus rootstocks germplasm collections using Genotyping-by-Sequencing: phylogenetic analysis, distribution of SNPs and prediction of their effect on gene function.Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 467.
- Tortosa I, Escalona JM, Toro G, Douthe C, Medrano H. 2020. Clonal Behavior in Response to Soil Water Availability in Tempranillo Grapevine cv: From Plant Growth to Water Use Efficiency. Agronomy 10, 862.
- Bastias A, Oviedo K, Almada R, Correa F, Sagredo B (2020) Identifying and validating housekeeping hybrid Prunus spp. genes for root gene-expression studies. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0228403.
- Villar L, Lienqueo I, Llanes A, Rojas P, Perez J, Correa F, Sagredo B, Masciarelli O, Luna V, Almada R. (2020) Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals novel roles of transcription factors and hormones during the flowering induction and floral bud differentiation in sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium L. cv. Bing). PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230110.
- Font i Forcada, C., Guajardo, V., Reyes Chin Wo, S., Moreno, M. Á. Association mapping analysis for fruit quality traits in Prunus persica using SNP markers. Frontiers in Plant Science 2019, 9, 2005.
- Opazo I, Toro G, Salvatierra A, Pastenes C, Pimentel P. Rootstocks modulate the physiology and growth responses to water stress and long-term recovery in grafted stone fruit trees. Agricultural Water Management. In press.
- Toro, G., Flexas, J. and Escalona, J. M. Contrasting leaf porometer and infra-red gas analyser methodologies: an old paradigm about the stomatal conductance measurement. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology
Accepted. DOI: - Opazo, I., Toro, G., Solís, S., Salvatierra, A., Albornoz, F. and Pimentel, P. Late reduction on transpiration is and important trait for water deficit tolerance in interespecific hybrid Prunus rootstocks. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. Accepted. DOI:
- Silva-Flores, P., Bueno, G., Neira, J. Palfner, G. Factors Affecting Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Spore Density in the Chilean Mediterranean-Type Ecosystem Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2019, 19:42–50
- Tortosa, I., Douthe, C., García Escudero, E., Toro, G., Hipólito, M., Pou, A. and Escalona, J.M. The intra-cultivar variability on water use efficiency at different water status as a target selection in grapevine: influence of ambient and genotype.
Agricultural Water Management. 223:1-6.
- Konnerup, K., Toro, G., Pedersen O. and Colmer T. 2018. Waterlogging tolerance, tissue nitrogen and oxygen transport in the forage legume Melilotus siculus: a comparison of modulated and nitrate-fed plants, Annals of Botany, 121:699-709.
- Mateluna P, Salvatierra A, Solis S, Nuñez G, Pimentel P. 2018. Involvement of aquaporin NIP1;1 in the contrasting tolerance response to root hypoxia in Prunus rootstocks. Journal of Plant Physiology 228: 19 – 28. DOI
- Toro G, Pinto M, Pimentel P. 2018. Root respiratory components of Prunus spp. rootstocks under low oxygen: Regulation of growth, maintenance, and ion uptake respiration. Scientia Horticulturae 239: 259 – 268. DOI
- Dennis Konnerup, Guillermo Toro, Ole Pedersen and Timothy David Colmer Waterlogging tolerance, tissue nitrogen and oxygen transport in the forage legume Melilotus siculus: a comparison of nodulated and nitrate-fed plants Annals of Botany 121: 699–709, 2018
- Toro G, Pinto M, Pimentel P. Root respiratory components of Prunusspp. rootstocks under low oxygen: Regulation of growth, maintenance, and ion uptake respiration. Scientia Horticulturae 239: 259–268.
- Mateluna P, Salvatierra A, Solis S, Nuñez G, Pimentel P. Involvement of aquaporin NIP1;1 in the contrasting tolerance response to root hypoxia in Prunus rootstocks. Journal of Plant Physiology 228: 19–28.
- Hernández C, Bravo M, Pimentel P, Pino MT Effect of water deficit on physiological parameters of four Prunus rootstock Acta Horticulturae 1177: 273-280. DOI:
- Contreras-Soto RI, Mora F, Lazzari F, De Oliveira MAR, Scapim CA, Schuster I. Genome-wide association mapping for flowering and maturity in tropical soybean: implications for breeding strategies. Breeding Science
- Contreras-Soto RI, De Oliveira MB, Costenaro-da-Silva D, Scapim CA, Schuster I. 2017. Population structure, genetic relatedness and linkage disequilibrium blocks in cultivars of tropical soybean (Glycine max) Euphytica 213 (8): 173.
- Kulka VP, Silva TA, Contreras-Soto RI, Maldonado C, Mora F, Scapim CA. Diallel analysis and genetic population structure of tropical and temperate maize inbred lines using SSR markers. Crop breeding and applied biotechnology.
- Guajardo, V., Solís, S., Almada, R., Saski, C., Gasic, K., Moreno, M. Á. 2017. Genome-wide identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and molecular characterization of Prunus rootstock germplasm using a genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach. Proc. IV ISHS International Molecular Markers Symposium. Acta Hort. 1203.
- Guajardo, V., Hinrichsen, P., Muñoz, C. 2017. Paternity analysis in a ‘Rainier’ open pollination population using S-alleles and microsatellite genotyping. Proc. VII International Cherry Symposium. Acta Hort. 1161.
- Guajardo, V., Gainza-Cortés, F., Meza, P., Álvarez, C., Prieto, H., Sagredo, B., Hinrichsen, P., Muñoz, C. 2017.
Use of S-alleles and microsatellite genotyping for parental identification and to verify interspecific hybridization in a Chilean Prunus rootstock breeding program. Proc. VII International Cherry Symposium. Acta Hort. 1161.
- Salvatierra A, Pimentel P, Almada R, Hinrichsen P. 2016. Exogenous GABA application transiently improves the tolerance to root hypoxia on a sensitive genotype of Prunus rootstock. Environmental and Experimental Botany 125: 52–66.
- Bastias A, Correa F, Almada R, Rojas P, Muñoz C, Sagredo B. 2016. “Identification and characterization of microsatellite loci in maqui (Aristotelia chilensis [Molina] Stunz) using next-generation sequencing (NGS)” PLOS ONE (aceptada).
- Arismendi MJ, Almada R, Pimentel P, Bastias A, Salvatierra A, Rojas P, Hinrichsen P, Pinto M, Di Genova A, Travisany D, Maass A, Sagredo B. 2015. Transcriptome sequencing of Prunus sp. rootstocks roots to identify candidate genes involved in the response to root hipoxia. Tree Genetics & Genomes 1: 11.
- Gainza F, Opazo I, Guajardo V, Meza P, Ortiz M, Pinochet P and Muñoz C. 2015. Rootstock breeding in Prunus species: Ongoing efforts and new challenges. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 6-16.
- Gainza F, Opazo I and Muñoz C. 2015. Graft incompatibility in plants: Metabolic changes during the formation and establishment of the rootstock/scion union with emphasis on Prunus species. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 28-34.
- Guajardo V, Solís S, Sagredo B, Gainza F, Muñoz C, Gasic K, et al. (2015) Construction of High Density Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) Linkage Maps Using Microsatellite Markers and SNPs Detected by Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS). PLoS ONE 10(5): e0127750. journal.pone.0127750
- Guajardo V, Hinrichsen P and Muñoz C. 2015. Breeding rootstocks for Prunus species: Advances in the genetic and genomics of peach and cherry as a model. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 17-27.
- Morales-Olmedo M, Ortiz M and Sellés G. 2015. Effects of transient soil waterlogging and its importance for rootstock selection. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 45-56.
- Neira J, Ortiz M, Morales L and Acevedo E. 2015. Oxygen diffusion in soils: Understanding the factors and processes needed for modeling. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 35-44.
- Riquelme A and Hinrichsen P.2015. Non-symbiotic hemoglobin and its relation with hypoxic stress. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 80-89.
- Salazar C, Hernández C and Pino MT. 2015. Plants water stress: Associations between ethylene and abscisic acid response. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 71-79.
- Toro G and Pinto M. 2015. Plant respiration under low oxygen. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75: 57-70.
- Morales, M., Toro, G., Riquelme, A., Sellés, G., Pinto, M. and Ferreyra, R. 2014. Effect of different rootstocks on photosynthesis and nutritional response of grapevines cultivar ‘Sultanina’ under flooding stress. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 1045:123-131
- Pimentel P, Almada RD, Salvatierra A, Toro G, Arismendi MJ, Pino MT, Sagredo B, Pinto M. 2014. Physiological and morphological responses of Prunus species with different degree of tolerance to long-term root hypoxia. Scientia Horticulturae 180: 14–23.
- Salvatierra A, Pimentel P, Moya-Leon MA, Herrera R. 2014. Biosynthesis of flavonoids in achenes of Fragaria chiloensis ssp. chiloensis. BLACPMA 13(4): 406-14.
- Salvatierra A, Pimentel P, Moya-Leon MA, Herrera R. 2014. Biosynthesis of flavonoids in achenes of Fragaria chiloensis ssp. chiloensis. BLACPMA 13(4): 406-14.
Morales, M., Toro, G., Riquelme, A., Sellés, G., Pinto, M. and Ferreyra, R. 2014. Effect of different rootstocks on photosynthesis and nutritional response of grapevines cultivar ‘sultanina’ under flooding stress. Acta Horticulturae. 1045, 123-131. ActaHortic.2014.1045.16.
Cristian Hernández A. y María Teresa Pino Q. En búsqueda de portainjertos de carozos tolerantes a déficit hídrico.
Revista Tierra Adentro. 2014C. Hernández, M. Bravo, P. Pimentel, MT Pino and M. Pinto. 2014. Effect of Water Deficit on Physiological Parameters of Four Prunus Rootstocks.
Acta Horticulturae.
- Almada R, Arismendi MJ, Pimentel P, Hinrichsen P, Pinto M, Sagredo B. 2013. Class 1 non-symbiotic and class 3 truncated Hemoglobin-like genes are differentially expressed in stone fruit rootstocks (Prunus L.) with different degrees of tolerance to root hypoxia. Tree Genetics & Genomes 9(4): 1051-1063.
- Opazo MC, Lizana R, Pimentel P, Herrera R, Moya-León MA. 2013. Changes in the mRNA abundance of FcXTH1 and FcXTH2 promoted by hormonal treatments of Fragaria chiloensis fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 77: 28-34.
- Salvatierra A, Pimentel P, Moya-León MA, Herrera R. 2013. Increased accumulation of anthocyanins in Fragaria chiloensis fruits by transient suppression of FcMYB1 gene. Phytochemistry 90: 25-36.
- María Teresa Pino Q. y Cristian Hernández A. Eventos climáticos extremos han aumentado significativamente. El impacto de las heladas. Revista GTT Nacional, vanguardia y tecnología. Diciembre 2013. pag 14-16.
- Chávez RO, Clevers JGW, Herold M, Acevedo E and Ortiz M. 2013. Assessing Water Stress of Desert Tamarugo Trees Using in situ Data and Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing 5:5061-5088.
- Chávez RO, Clever JGW, Herold M, Ortiz M and Acevedo E. 2013. Modelling the spectral response of the desert tree Prosopis tamarugo to water stress. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 21: 53-55.
- Nilo R, Olivares D, Orellana A, Hinrichsen P and Pinto M. 2013. Proteomic analysis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf changes induced by transition to autotrophy and exposure to high light irradiance. Journal of Proteomics 91:309-330.
- Opazo MC, Lizana R, Pimentel P, Herrera R and Moya MA. 2013. Changes in the mRNA abundance of FcXTH1 and FcXTH2 promoted by hormonal treatments of Fragaria chiloensis fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 77:28-34.
- Salvatierra A, Pimentel P, Moya MA and Herrera R. 2013. Increased accumulation of anthocyanins in Fragaria chiloensis fruits by transient suppression of FcMYB1 gene. Phytochemistry 90:25-36.
- Arismendi MJ, Hinrichsen P, Almada R, Pimentel P, Pinto M, Sagredo B. 2012. Characterization of genetic diversity of stone fruit rootstocks used in Chile by means of microsatellite markers. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 137(5):302-310.
- M. Ortiz; L Morales; P Silva; E Acevedo. 2012. Estimación del nivel freático a partir del NDVI Landsat en La Pampa del Tamarugal (Chile). Revista de Teledetección 37:42-50.
- Gainza F, Perez R, Perez R, Tapia J, Casaretto J, Gonzalez S, Peña H, Ruiz S and Gonzalez E. 2012. Characterization of a putative grapevine Zn transporter, VvZIP3, suggests its involvement in early reproductive development in Vitis vinifera L.
BMC Plant Biology 12: 111-124. - Meza P, Hinrichsen P and Aballay E. 2012. Morphological and molecular characterisation of Xiphinema index Thorne and allen, 1950 (nematoda:longidoridae) isolates from Chile. Nematropica 42: 41-47.
- Pérez Castro R, Kasai K, Gainza F, Ruiz S, Casaretto J, Peña H, Tapia J, Fujiwara T, Gonzalez E. 2012. VvBOR1, the Grapevine Ortholog of AtBOR1, Encodes an Efflux Boron Transporter That is Differentially Expressed Throughout Reproductive Development of Vitis vinifera L. Plant Cell Physiol. 53: 485-494.
- Rojas P, Almada R, Sandoval C, Keller KE, Martin RR and Caligari P. 2012. Occurrence of aphidborne viruses in southernmost South American populations of Fragaria chiloensis ssp. Chiloensis. Plant Pathology 62: 428-435.
- Ferreyra, R., Selles, G., Pinto, M., Morales, M. and Seguel, O. 2011. Effect of soil air capacity on water relations and vegetative growth of ‘Thompson Seedless’ grafted on different rootstocks: Preliminary results. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 889:145-150.
- Pimentel P, Salvatierra A, Moya-León MA, Herrera R. 2010. Isolation of genes differentially expressed during development and ripening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit by suppression subtractive hybridization. Journal of Plant Physiology 167:1179-1187.
- Salvatierra A, Pimentel P, Moya-Leon MA, Caligari P, Herrera R. 2010. Comparison of transcriptional profiles of phenylpropanoid and flavonoid biosynthesis and anthocyanin contents between two contrasted botanical forms of Fragaria chiloensis ssp. chiloensis. Phytochemistry 71: 1839-1847.
- Tapia, M.L. G. Toro, B. Parra and A. Riquelme. 2010. Photosensitivity of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings exposed to ultraviolet-B radiation. Chilean JAR. 70(1):16-25.
- Figueroa CR, Herrera R, Pimentel P, Caligari PDS, Moya-León MA. 2009. Analysis of target genes that affect the softening of the Chilean strawberry fruits. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 842:881-884.
- Figueroa CR, Pimentel P, Dotto, MC, Civello PM, Martínez GA, Herrera R, Moya-León MA. 2009. Expression of five expansin genes during softening of Fragaria chiloensis fruit: Effect of auxin treatment. Postharvest Biology and Technology 53: 51-57.
- Figueroa C, Pimentel P, Gaete-Eastman C, Moya M, Herrera R, Caligari PD, Moya-Leon MA. 2008. Softening rate of the Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) reflects the expression of Polygalacturonase and Pectate Lyase Genes. Postharvest Biology and Technology 49: 210-220.
- Pastenes C, Pimentel P, Lillo J. 2005. Leaf movements and photoinhibition in relation to water stress in field-grown beans. Journal of Experimental Botany 56: 425-433.
Capítulos de libros
- Silva-Flores, P., Aguilar, A., Dibán, M. and Mujica, M. Mycorrhizas in the South American Mediterranean-Type Ecosystem: Chilean Matorral. In: Pagano, M. C. and Lugo M.A. (eds.), Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America, Fungal Biology. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.
- Carrasco, J. y Ortiz, M. 2011. Propiedades físicas de suelos que condicionan el desarrollo de frutales en la Región de O´Higgins. En: Lemus, G y Salgado, I. (Ed.) Centro de Frutales de Carozos: Resumen Técnico. Boletín Técnico INIA N°227. 116p Santiago, Chile.